OIMC Advance Projects:

Construction Project
Advance # 583633


Parish Partners
Advance # 583634


Native American Children’s Fund
Advance # 583581


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OIMC Leader Application Form

Application for leaders, workers, and volunteers at OIMC Conference, District, Region and Local Church programs, activities and events for children and youth.


  • The Applicant will complete and submit the Application Information Form (AIF), including the Statement of Disclosure, to the conference office via the online form or print and mailing to:

Oklahoma Indian Missionary Conference
602 Southwest 35th
Oklahoma City, OK 73109

  • The Applicant will send one Leader Reference Form to each of the three references listed on his/her AIF. The Leader Reference Form can be submitted online directly to the OIMC office or by mail. To maintain confidentiality,  a legal size, stamped envelope with the above address should be included with each form for ease of return.  PLEASE DO NOT HAVE YOUR REFERENCES RETURN THE FORM TO YOU OR YOUR PASTOR.
  • The Applicant will be notified by the Conference office as to his/her acceptance as a leader.  Completing this application procedure does not guarantee any applicant of a place on an event staff but does put you on a list for consideration.  Final decisions concerning staffing rest with the Conference office.
  • The full Leader Application Process must be renewed every two years.
  • The Applicant is to read the Oklahoma Indian Missionary Conference Procedures and Safety Standards for Children and Youth Programs Phase II, go over with their pastor (clergy or lay missioner) and if there is no pastor their District Superintendent, sign the statement page and return the statement page with their application to the conference office.
  • If spouse is the pastor, reference to be completed by lay leader, D.S., or Conference Staff.


 To maintain confidentiality of your information and assure prompt and efficient processing, it is essential that all forms be returned directly to the conference office.

The Oklahoma Indian Missionary Conference values the children and youth who attend all programs, activities and events of the conference on all levels.  It is our intent to protect and nurture these young persons.  Therefore, we ask that everyone who provides direct supervision and/or leadership with children and/or youth to fully complete this form and return it to the conference office.

Leader Application Form 2021-2024

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Provide two references of persons who have first-hand awareness of your work with children or youth and who can attest to your character (teachers, employers, classmates, co-workers, community/church leaders, etc.). The third reference must be your local church pastor (clergy or lay missioner) (or if you do not have a pastor lay leader), a conference staff person, district superintendent or a program staff person who has supervised you in your work with children/youth. If spouse is the pastor, reference to be completed by lay leader, D.S., or Conference Staff.
  • Please answer the following questions. Attach an explanation of any “yes” answers.

    1. Have you ever been convicted of any crime against children or other persons?
  • 2. Has your driver’s license ever been revoked or suspended?
  • 3. Has a board that licenses businesses or professions ever licensed you?
  • If yes, what board or agency?
  • If yes, has this license ever been revoked or suspended?
  • 4. Have you ever habitually abused alcohol or any controlled substances?
  • 5. Have you ever been convicted of and/or plead guilty to a violent crime?
  • 6. Have you ever been convicted of a non-violent crime?
  • Explain any “yes” answers.
  • I understand that a background inquiry will be made to the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation and/or the Oklahoma Department of Human Services and/or equivalent agencies in other states or on the federal level as deemed appropriate. I certify the information I have provided is true and correct. If the answers given are not found to be true, I understand it may be cause for the rejection of my application.
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY



Contact Information

Conference Headquarters
602 SW 35th
Oklahoma City, OK 73109
Office: 405-632-2006
Fax: 405-632-0209


Resident Bishop:

Bishop Laura Merrill
1501 NW 24 Street
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73106


Conference Superintendent:

Rev. Margaret Johnson


Director of Connectional Ministries: 

Rev. Donna Pewo


Administrative Assistant:

Linda Draper



Northern District Superintendent:

Rev. Mike Svitak



Southern District Superintendent:

Rev. Sharon Yeahquo
