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Call to Worship by the Rev. James McKinney

Written by the Late Rev. James McKinney/Prairie Band Potawatomie

As we gather here from the four directions, let us reflect on the goodness of our Creator. As we reflect on that goodness, let us lift our Hearts and minds in gratitude, and give thanks to the Giver of Life.

Let us give thanks to the Giver of Life.

Let us give thanks for the sun, which rises in the East, suggesting potential; the place of light; the time of new beginning.

Let us give thanks for the sun.

Let us give thanks to the warm winds that blow from the South; encouraging growth; the place of strength, the time of vigor,

A time of attainment, the time of change.

Let us give thanks for the warm winds.

Let us give thanks for the rejuvenating rains from the West, expressing power; the place of renewal,

A time of refreshment, a time of stimulation.

Let us give thanks for the rejuvenating rain.

Let us give thanks for the falling snow of the North, denoting wisdom; the place of quiet, the time of reflection,

A time of fulfillment, a time of rest.

Let us give thanks for the falling snow.

Let us give thanks for your gift of Mother Earth, providing life to the finned creatures of the seas, the feathered ones of the air,

And the four-legged ones who walk upon the land.

Let us give thanks for Mother Earth.

We give thanks to you, Great Spirit, for all that you have made available to us, placing the Four Thunders in their places to assist us, for your infinite power, your unlimited presence, and your indescribable knowledge.  Let us give thanks for your gift of power to our Mother Earth to give to your creatures life and sustenance; for the powers of the elements- the wind, the rain, the lightning; and the sun and all the planets of the sky.

Let us give thanks to the Great Spirit.

We ask your blessing on all us gathered as we give you praise and honor, power and majesty, to hear the prayers of your human creatures as we are here to hear your Voice, to experience your presence, and to be empowered to do your bidding this day.

Contact Information

Conference Headquarters
602 SW 35th
Oklahoma City, OK 73109
Office: 405-632-2006
Fax: 405-632-0209


Resident Bishop:



Bishop Laura Merrill
1501 NW 24 Street
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73106


Assistant to the Bishop:

Rev. Margaret Johnson


Director of Connectional Ministries: 

Rev. Donna Pewo


Administrative Assistant:

Linda Draper



Northern District Superintendent:

Rev. Mike Svitak



Southern District Superintendent:

Rev. Sharon Yeahquo
