From October 27-29, 2024, seventeen pastors and some of their spouses gathered at Egan Camp, located east of Tahlequah, for a three-day retreat focused on spiritual growth, learning, and community building.
The retreat kicked off on Monday with a workshop on Spiritual Hygiene, led by Rev. Dr. Derrek Belase of the Oklahoma Conference. Participants were encouraged to reflect on their spiritual well-being and were gifted the book “God’s Welcome: Hospitality for a Gospel-Hungry World” by Amy G. Oden.
Monday afternoon featured a vital presentation on Suicide Intervention by representatives from Cherokee Nation Behavioral Health. This was followed by an open forum with the Rev. Margaret Johnson, Assistant to the Bishop, and Bishop Laura Merrill, where attendees had the opportunity to ask questions and gain deeper insights into church leadership.
On Tuesday, Mr. Chris Maytubby from Choctaw Nation IT presented on the benefits of social media for churches. The day also included a session titled Voices from the Past, where retired elder Rev. Lester Tims shared reflections from his ministry journey, offering inspiration and wisdom.
Each day began with morning devotions and concluded with evening worship. Bishop Merrill delivered the message on Monday evening and led Holy Communion, while Mrs. June Marshall inspired attendees with her Tuesday evening sermon.
Beyond the sessions, participants enjoyed fellowship through activities like chair volleyball, crafts, bingo, hiking to the cross, and relaxing on the patio. A retreat highlight was the cookout on Tuesday evening, featuring hot dogs, hamburgers, and the beloved tradition of hot links. The lighthearted election of Miss Hot Links and Mr. Hot Links crowned Mrs. June Marshall and Rev. Lester Tims as this year’s honorees, continuing the fun tradition initiated by the late Rev. Thomas Roughface.
To support the retreat, both a silent auction and live auction were held. Attendees expressed a preference for October as the new retreat month, a change from the previous September schedule.
Looking ahead, the 2025 Pastor Retreat is tentatively planned for October 26-29 at Canyon Camp, with hopes of increased attendance. The retreat is open to local pastors, elders, lay missioners under appointment, and retired pastors. Costs are expected to remain affordable at $100 for individuals, $150 for couples, with retirees attending free of charge. Single attendees are encouraged to share a room to minimize costs. Mark your calendars and plan to join the enriching experience in 2025!