Conference wide youth winter lock-in will be December 12-13 at the Northeast Region Center. It will begin Friday evening at 7:00 p.m. with registration and will conclude Saturday morning at 6:00. Registation cost is $10/person and the deadline is December 7. Youth must be 12 years of age through Senior in high school. Registrations are being sent out to all pastors and youth workers through email and through hard copy for those without email addresses.

OIMC Advance Projects:
Construction Project
Advance # 583633
Parish Partners
Advance # 583634
Native American Children’s Fund
Advance # 583581
Contact Information
Conference Headquarters
602 SW 35th
Oklahoma City, OK 73109
Office: 405-632-2006
Fax: 405-632-0209
Resident Bishop:
Bishop Laura Merrill
1501 NW 24 Street
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73106
Assistant to the Bishop:
Rev. Margaret Johnson
Director of Connectional Ministries:
Rev. Donna Pewo
Administrative Assistant:
Linda Draper
Northern District Superintendent:
Rev. Mike Svitak
Southern District Superintendent:
Rev. Sharon Yeahquo
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